At Clann Medical Centre we provide a full range of contraceptive services including insertion, removal or replacement of long-acting reversible devices such as the Implanon (Bar in the arm) Mirena/Kyleena/Copper IUD (commonly known as coils) and Ballerine– the new intrauterine bead system. Please contact the surgery if you wish to schedule an appointment to discuss your contraceptive needs. Information on LARC (long acting reversible contraception) can be accessed as follows: 

Mirena: IE_WH_Mirena_Q&A.pdf (

Kyleena: Patient Brochure | Kyleena® IUD ( 

Copper Coil: Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) | Patient 

Implanon:  Contraceptive Implant: What It is, Benefits, and Side-Effects | Patient

Ballerine: IUB-Ballerine-Patient-Brochure-PB418-1.pdf